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Billed monthly
Billed yearly
Save 30%
per month & user.
  • Everything in Base
  • Statistics
  • Unlimited templates
  • API
  • User roles
  • Signing order
  • Custom subdomain
  • Custom email address
  • Version control
  • Hide Fortnox Sign-branding
  • CRM integrations
per month & user.
  • Send documents for eSignature
  • Up to 5 templates
  • Zapier integration
  • Members
  • Reminders
  • Real-time audit trail
  • SMS
per month & user.
  • Single user only
  • Send up to 5 docs / month
  • Up to 2 templates
  • Real-time audit trail
  • SMS
Completely free.
  • Single user only.
  • 2 documents per month.
14 days trial with Pro included.
Get started in 2 minutes.
No credit card required.

We're sending beautiful and legible agreements to our clients. We love it and our clients love it.

Tobias Gardebrink
Legally binding E-signatures
Template gallery
Interactive proposals
Activity tracking & notifications
Integrations for e.g. Hubspot, Pipedrive
Extended branding
Custom subdomain
Salesforce integration
Custom blocks


We've developed and designed our product with security as a top priority. We use bank-like SSL encryption to ensure that all data is secure while in transit and at rest. Each document's integrity is sealed mathematically and can be verified by a third-party.


Why should I choose Fortnox Sign versus other e-sign solutions?
E-signing is just one of Fortnox Sign's many features. With Fortnox Sign you can get an end-to-end agreement solution. Create drafts, design, approve and sign all within the same tool.
I'm not good at design. Will I still be able to use Fortnox Sign?
Most certainly! Fortnox Sign is built to be user-friendly from the get go. If you know how to drag & drop with a mouse then you already know how 90% of Fortnox Sign works.
Will my contracts and data be safe?
Security is one of our top priorites. All of your documents and data is encrypted while in transit with 256-bit SSL. Signed documents are stored with disaster recovery in mind - all signed documents are stored in LTS-buckets.
Does everyone who needs to sign a Fortnox Sign account?
No. Your recipients does not need a Fortnox Sign account to sign documents.
What happens if I reach my monthly document limit?
Not much. You can either choose to upgrade your plan or wait until next month until your limit resets.
We need help with getting started and making our proposals pop. Can Fortnox Sign assist us?
Yep! If you're in need of assistance one of our experts can help you with setting up and designing your templates.
How many documents can I send for signatures each month or each year?
The number of documents you can send differs depending on your plan type. With the Pro & Pro Plus plans we believe that how many documents you send for each month or year fluctuates. Looking at our historical data we know that 200 documents per user per month covers the needs for almost all of our users. Thus, the Pro-plan includes 200 documents per user per year. If you exceed or are in need of greater send volumes we recommend our Pro Plus-plan, contact our sales for a tailored solution.
I'm only interested in using your API. Can I?
Yes it's possible. Contact us for more details about our API solutions.
We're a charity. Can you offer us a discount?
Of course! Contact us and we will try to find a solution that works for you.